18 Must-Visit Brighton Cocktail Joints

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Shaken, not stirred, by the sea-side.

The Black Dove

Boho Brighton at its best, here art students rub shoulders with nine-to-fivers fuelled by the bar staff’s AMA approach to cocktails: ask them for anything: they'll sort it out for you.


The Ginger Pig

The Ginger Pig

More a local gastro-bar than a full-on cocktail spot it's still a fantastic place to grab a decent Tom Collins (or something made with their range of Sussex-sourced local gins) while perched on a stool at the bar.

Via Twitter: @GingerPigDish

Merkaba Brighton

Merkaba Brighton

Lit like a club even at two in the afternoon Merkaba is anything but subtle. If the solid cocktail list doesn’t get you talking then negotiating the Ally McBeal-style unisex toilets certainly will.

Via Twitter: @merkabaBrighton

Hotel du Vin

OK, so it's part of a chain – but that doesn't stop Hotel Du Vin from being Brighton's swankiest place to sip a brilliantly-made Dirty Martini and rubberneck occasional rock stars at the bar.


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http://ift.tt/1V2fpfR Matt Chittock