I Moved To Mumbai A Year Ago, Here Are 12 Things I've Learned Since
Love Bombay or hate it, you have to admit: it’s the easiest city in the world to buy a beanbag.
http://ift.tt/1Gqn393 Rega Jha
8:50 AM Unknown 0 Comments
Love Bombay or hate it, you have to admit: it’s the easiest city in the world to buy a beanbag.
My name is Marcela, and my desire to travel is as strong as my desire to live.
Wandering is usually related with escaping: running away from a monotonous lifestyle, wanting to break free from a 9 to 5 job. People don't seem to realize that traveling it's one way to live life; to feel free, to live life at it's fullest.
When we become fully aware that we are here for a limited time only, it's only in that moment, that we feel the urge to make each day count. Every time I visit a new place, meet new people and do something I've never done before, I feel like I'm born again. The adrenaline running through my body whenever I step out of my comfort zone is something I simply can't describe. And those experiences, the ones that take your breath away, are the ones that are worth living.