24 Downright Bizarre Things People Have Done On The NYC Subway

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“New York, I love you, but you’re bringing me down…”

Used a stranger as a curtain for a wardrobe change.

Used a stranger as a curtain for a wardrobe change.

"I was coming home from my friends place in Brooklyn late one night so there were only two other people in the subway car. This normal looking man in a suit came on and sat as close to me as physically possible and then told me to stand up and block him so he could change his outfit. I was so confused/scared but I went with it. When it was my stop he gave me a flashlight key chain and told me to be safe out in the world!"

—Submitted by Morgan Hauck, Facebook

NBC / Via giphy.com

Left a pile of shit and a sorry note.

Left a pile of shit and a sorry note.

"One time, my boyfriend found literally a pile of shit on the seat. That wasn't the worst part. There was a sorry note right next to it."

—Submitted by Val Heartday, Facebook

Paramount Pictures / Via reddit.com

Gave out business cards as the "The Green Lady."

Gave out business cards as the "The Green Lady."

"One time I saw this lady dressed entirely in green. She had green overalls, and green lipstick, and green hair and a green backpack. I sat next to her and she gave me a business card that read 'The Green Lady' with her email address and picture of her on it. I still have the card somewhere."

—Submitted by Violet August, Facebook

Lady Gaga / Via pagneforthepain.tumblr.com

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